Celebrating Women in CSR – Mweembe Sikaulu

As part of International Women’s Month to celebrate the achievements of women, we continue our series to appreciate Women in CSR with another interview of Mweembe Sikaulu, the Communications and Brand Manager at Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL):


Briefly describe your role and responsibilities, and the number of years you have been CSR practitioner.

My current role is as the Communications and Brand Manager at Zambia Airports Corporation Limited and I am responsible for internal and external communications, branding, CSR, customer service and event management to name but a few. I have been a CSR practitioner for the past six years.


Tell us about someone or something (mentor, friend, hero, incident) who or that affected or influenced your CSR journey, and how.

I’m not sure that I ever had someone or something really influence my CSR journey, though certain aspects of what I do have always been a passion of mine. Since I was a child, I have always felt the need to help others and even recall a time when I was about seven years old and would stop my mother every time we saw a homeless person as I wanted to give them money. I am just grateful to have the opportunity as an adult to do more both in my personal and professional life.


How has CSR/CSI evolved at your organisation?

CSR has evolved in our organisation as it is a lot more structured and a lot more prominent than it had been in previous years. We have a CSR policy in place which guides us on many aspects including our focus areas. We are very clear about the spaces and areas we lend our support to and even began our own CSR traditions which have proven to be a success. We also entered into partnerships with certain non-profit organisations whose objectives were aligned with ours which proved to be very successful. It has been extremely fulfilling for my team and I to be on this journey while witnessing our CSR evolution.


Can you share a recent accomplishment you are especially proud of?

I am really proud that my team and I were able to accomplish a particular objective despite circumstances beyond our control. We managed to partner with certain companies that were kind enough to come on board at the eleventh hour and help us create a special day for some very adorable underprivileged children. I will eternally be grateful to these companies and their representatives for believing in our vision and helping us make it happen.


If you had the power to make one major change at your company or in your industry, what would it be, in line with CSR?

This is a tough one! Call me a dreamer but I suppose I would approve an unlimited budget so that we could make a difference on so many levels and in so many communities around the country.


What is the best advice you have ever received in your career?

Some of the best advice I’ve heard has been from world renowned public figures as opposed to people I have met, and a couple that have stuck with me are ‘love what you do’ and ‘never stop learning’.


How can CSR activities be used to empower women?

CSR activities can be used to empower women in so many ways. From literacy and education to health to skills development, there are so many areas that if given the right tools and support, women would positively affect their communities starting with their families. They say when you empower a woman, you empower a nation, so imagine what we could accomplish if we empowered more women.


Describe your perfect day.

My perfect day would probably vary depending on my mood and what is happening in my life at that particular time. On some occasions it might be a relaxing day consisting of sleep, good food, a good book and some peace and quiet. Another instance might see my perfect day being a lot more productive and social.

Celebrating Women in CSR – Yuyo Nachali-Kambikambi

As part of International Women’s Month to celebrate the achievements of women, we continue our series to appreciate Women in CSR with another interview of Yuyo Nachali-Kambikambi, the Head of Corporate Communications, Government Relations and CSR at Airtel Zambia.


Briefly describe your role and responsibilities, and the number of years you have been CSR practitioner.

My major role and responsibility as a CSR practitioner is to ensure that the Company I am representing is socially responsible and helping unlock the potential of the communities in which we operate. I have been a practitioner for 20 years now.

Tell us about someone or something (mentor, friend, hero, incident) who or that affected or influenced your CSR journey, and how.

I have always been intrigued by the CSR concept from the time I worked as a journalist. Having worked on the features ‘desk’ I always found it more fulfilling to write articles about how communities had been helped to change their environments or indeed been uplifted economically after interventions from companies through corporate social investment programs.


How has CSR/CSI evolved at your organisation?

I believe that while CSR or CSI remains the same in the real sense, it’s the focus that changes over time for any institution. For instance many years ago the focus could have been to make sure that people in the rural setting moved from having pit latrines to having flushable toilets, while now with the COVID 19 pandemic, the focus has shifted to understanding how best to help communities during these unprecedented times.


Can you share a recent accomplishment you are especially proud of?

I am still and am sure will be for a long time to come, extremely proud of my colleagues and co-workers at Airtel who came together during the peak of the pandemic last year and decided to contribute monies from their own salaries which enabled the company to buy over 2000 masks and over 2000 hand sanitizers which were handed over to help the Education and Health sectors.


If you had the power to make one major change at your company or in your industry, what would it be, in line with CSR?

One major change I would make in the Industry is have more companies realise that CSR is not a competition…CSR is about people….it is about lives and the communities we all live in, therefore collaboration and partnerships should be the norm to make even greater change and impact.


What is the best advice you have ever received in your career?

“When you don’t agree with your boss, say it…respectfully and honestly and you will always have a better conscious than thinking ‘I should have said something’ after the fact.”


How can CSR activities be used to empower women?

As we know women are usually the most vulnerable in societies but the most hardworking (i hope the men won’t come after me for saying this). But in all fairness, there is an age old saying that once you educate a girl, you have educated the whole village and I think this is true with empowerment programs. I know for a fact that women have excelled much more and looked after their nuclear families and beyond when empowered. It could be through giving them seed money for agricultural projects or simply adding skills to their knowledge which could be in the form of chicken rearing, fish farming or even batik making.


Describe your perfect day.

My perfect day is when my company does great CSR projects that not only make a difference in the communities but truly ‘changes lives’.

CSRNZ Celebrates Women

The Corporate Social Responsibility Network Zambia (CSRNZ) is this month showcasing women who have played pivotal roles on the country’s CSR platform, in line with the International Women’s Month.

These are women who have exhibited exemplary commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate social investment (CSI) ideals and programmes for the improvements of livelihoods, thus contributing to sustainable development in communities. In today’s day and age, women have become unstoppable and excelling in every field possible.

Welcome to our series of interviews with Zambia’s leading female CSR practitioners, revolving around the evolvement of CSR/CSI in respective companies and the accomplishments arising thereof. Over the next 2-3 weeks, We will learn about what inspires these women and how they found their way to careers in CSR:

  1. Lomthunzi Mbewe – Community and Stakeholder Relations Manager, Lubambe Copper Mine Limited.
  2. Mweembe Sikaulu – Communications and Brand Manager, Zambia Airports Corporation Limited.
  3. Yuyo Nachali Kambikambi – Head of Corporate Communications, Government Relations and CSR, Airtel Zambia.
  4. Bridget Kambobe – Group PR and Corporate Affairs Manager, Trade Kings.
  5. Chanda Chime-Katongo – Public Relations, Communication and Women’s Banking / Marketing, Stanbic Bank Zambia.
  6. Wezi Njovu – Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, UBA Zambia.
  7. Katongo Chilufya – Public Relations, Communications and Corporate Social Investment Manager, Atlas Mara Bank.
  8. Sonile Lintini – Communications and Sustainability Manager, IHS Towers Limited.
  9. Sarah Banda Ortiz – Corporte Affiars and Communications Manager, Lafarge Zambia Plc.
  10. Nsanshi Art Women – Kansanshi Mine’s women-run jewellery workshop, with a mission to support and provide financial support to vulnerable women and girls in Solwezi district.

2021 World CSR Day

Zambia, on 18th Feb 2021 joined 130 other countries to commemorate the World CSR Day. The commemoration was celebrated via a virtual meeting, officiated by Director of Community Development, Mr. Cosmas Lukupulo, standing in on behalf of the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and moderated by Mulemwa Moongwa. Other panelists included Denise Clarke-Reeves, the Chief of Party USAID Let’s Read project, Brian Moonga the Country Director of World Bicycle Relief and Buffalo Bicycles Zambia, as well as Lee Muzala, the Executive Director of CSR Network Zambia.

The World CSR Day was launched on 18th February, 2012 in Mumbai at Taj Lands End by His Excellency Shri. Veerappa Moily, Honourable Minister of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, who inaugurated the program.

The Objectives of the World CSR Day are:

  • To provide a common platform to the corporate, government agencies, NGOs, civil society, academics and the other groups to share their expectations, aspirations and responsibilities.
  • To bring together representatives from various parts of the globe to share their experiences, challenges and opportunities.
  • To spread the message of CSR, that which makes a difference to the community at large.

Mrs. Clarke-Reeves opened the session with a presentation of the Let’s Read Project, highlighting their work with the Ministry of General Education (MOGE) aimed at improving reading outcomes for approximately 1.4 million children in pre-primary (kindergarten) through Grade 3 in public and community schools. The ultimate goal of the project is to ensure that students read with comprehension and fluency in one of Zambia’s seven official local languages of instruction. USAID Let’s Read is implemented in over half of all public primary and community schools in Zambia.

Learning to read in the early grades is the foundation for learning in all subjects. The MOGE recognizes that improving the overall quality of primary education requires improving basic reading skills in early grades. Over the past decade, reading assessments for early grades consistently show that over 70 percent of children are unable to read or write at the end of their second year of learning according to the 2014 Early Grade Reading Assessment.

Brian Moonga revealed that at the end of 2019, World Bicycle Relief (WBR) celebrated the 500,000th bicycle in the
field as part of the 1 million bicycles target. An outstanding achievement for the organization. He furthered shared on how beneficiaries are selected and how the communities benefit through transfer of skills in some individuals to offer maintenance services and repairs.

Director Lukupulo, in his keynote speech reminded the corporates on the important role they play in uplifting the lives of people in the communities they operate in. He explained that It is common practice nowadays to find commemorative or Important days that are observed in and around the world. Such days each year have a particular meaning or national or international significance. And World CSR Day is such a day, when we join other countries to remember, to celebrate and to appreciate efforts by companies in accounting for their actions and for making our communities a better place. It is also a day when we remind each other not to stop doing good, a day to encourage each other to continue being good corporate citizens.

Mr. Lukupulo stressed the fact that in the context of Community Development, we need to strive to improve access to education because through education, we will realise poverty reduction in the community, promote equality, peace and security, and ultimately reduce exploitation as education will help people to know more about their rights and responsibilities as well as the law in general.

Beene leaves home at 6.30am to ride to school on her new bike. Before she received her bike, Beene would have to begin walking the 8km to school at 4.30am in order to arrive before lessons started at 7.15am. She would arrive exhausted.

As part of CSR Network Zambia’s commitment to strengthening the CSR ecosystem in Zambia, the focus for 2021 is “Access to Education”. Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital development at all levels. Education is indispensable to economic development and Zambia needs a balanced education system if Vision 2030 is to be realised.

Through the pledge to Leave No One Behind, Zambia, like other developing countries has committed to fast-track progress for those furthest behind first through the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Education has been described as one of the greatest equalizers of our time , however, for rural children, education may be an equalizer but distance is a barrier! How do we work towards ensuring poverty alleviation in order to achieve the Vision 2030 and ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all in line with Sustainable Development Goal number four with all its seven targets?

It against this background that CSR Network Zambia has partnered with World Bicycle Relief and Buffalo Bicycles Zambia, to increase awareness of the plight of Zambian learners in rural places across the country by providing bicycles to eliminate the challenges relating to accessing education. Having identified distance as the greatest barrier to education for those living in rural areas, giving the learner a bicycle could reduce commute time by up to 75% between home and school. In the short term, bicycles help children attend school regularly and arrive better rested. In the long term, bicycles help children complete their education, preparing them for better jobs and reducing the likelihood of extreme poverty. On average, each additional year of education a child receives increases her or his adult earnings by 10%. And for each additional year of schooling completed by young adults, the country’s poverty rate falls by 9%. Some of the highest returns of all are associated with educating girls. This being the case, education must be available to all people to enable them survive and develop to their maximum potential.

This is the basis of the project that was launched by CSR Network Zambia during the meeting – Ride-2-School Cycling Challenges. The Ride-2-School Challenge is a call to stakeholders to participate by sponsoring bicycles to be donated to learners in (five) locations across the country. CSR network Zambia, in partnership with Buffalo Bicycles Limited and World Bicycle Relief is organizing the “Ride-2-School” Bicycle Challenge in the following regions:

  1. Livingstone dubbed “The Mosi-o-Tunya Challenge” (3rd April 2021)
  2. Lusaka dubbed as “Ba Lusaka Challenge” (1st May 2021)
  3. Siavonga dubbed “The Kariba Challenge” (5th June 2021)
  4. Solwezi dubbed “The Mabanga Challenge” (Aug/Sept 2021)
  5. Chingola dubbed “The Kopala Challenge” (Nov/Dec 2021)

Participation the Cycling Challenges is open to all – individuals and organiations. Cycling is a sport with minimal participant contact and therefore will adhere to set health and safety guidelines for participants. Companies can participate by financing the bicycles. Participation in the Cycling Challenge is open to teams sponsored by corporates as well as individual cyclists.

For more details, contact the CSR Network Zambia Secretariat by sending an email to projects(a)csrzambia.org or calling +260 977 843926.

CSRNZ Announces Call for 2020 CSR Awards Nominations

CSRNZ is now accepting nominees for the 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards. The awards will be presented during a Gala Dinner ceremony on 4th December, 2020 to be held at the Golden Peacock Hotel, Lusaka.

The CSRNZ Awards recognize and honor companies for outstanding, innovative services, projects and programmes implemented in the past or present. These projects should demonstrate the company’s leadership, sincerity and on-going commitment in incorporating ethical values and respect for individuals, communities and the environment in the way they do business.. The judging criteria includes an assessment of nominees’ CSR programs as they relate to effectiveness in helping the communities they focus on, involvement of company personnel, sustainability, and long-term impact of the programs and activities that go beyond financial contributions.

Employees can nominate the company they work for, as well as partner organizations they work with. A judging panel comprised of CSRNZ Advisory Board Members evaluates applicants according to the criteria and applicants’ contributions toward social causes.

In addition to the CSR Award, CSRNZ will also present its Lifetime Achievement Award during the event. The award recognizes individuals who have made important contributions to those in need.


  • Open for submissions: 11th October 2020.
  • Close of submissions: 31st October 2020.
  • Awards Ceremony: 4th December 2020.

How to apply:

Corporations, SMEs, business associations, Foundations and NGOs are eligible and encouraged to apply. The deadline for submissions is October 31st 2020.

Fill in the Online Application Form from here or email coordinator@csrzambia.org .
Complete and submit separate Application forms for each category you intend to complete (only one per category).

Zambia’s Largest Independent Power Producer Transforming Face Of Maamba

Contributing around 10% of the nation’s electricity generation capacity has a huge impact on the nation’s energy security and the economy in general, but for Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL), its endeavours do not stop there.

The sponsors and management of MCL understand that no business can be successful, unless the community around it shares in that success. Towards this vision, the company has set up the Maamba Development Trust (MDT), whose motto is, “Making a Difference…”

The objective is to spearhead social and economic development in Maamba, Sinazongwe District, and in other areas where Maamba Collieries operates. MCL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are part of the company’s social investment policy, centered on community development and improving the living conditions of the people. The initiative is built on four pillars – education, health, infrastructure development and sports, apart from conserving the environment as well as assisting with other needs of the community.

On the education front, MCL runs the Maamba Private School with over 500 local students and a Nursery for around 160 toddlers, while also providing regular support to the GRZ-run school for differently abled children.

Towards improving health facilities, MCL partnering with the Ministry of Health, is setting up a state of the art eye care unit in Maamba General Hospital to provide eye care to the needy in the district and beyond.  MCL is also in the final stages of building a clinic near Lake Kariba which will provide access to medical facilities for around 10 remote villages and fishing camps.

The cornerstone of MCL’s CSR interventions has been laying new roads in the Maamba Township – roads which had not seen any work for over four decades – thereby providing dust free and safe roads to travel.

On the sports and fitness front, the company sponsors the First Division Maamba Energy Stars F.C., and provides access to the sporting facilities including golf, tennis, squash and badminton to the local community of Maamba Township.

Meanwhile, the Company has been contributing to the development of the youth and less privileged by running TEVETA approved welding & metal fabrication & power electric courses in its modern, well-equipped Training Centre. Towards sustaining the livelihood needs of the people, the Company runs tailoring and carpentry classes for local women and menfolk, skills which they can use for supplementing their meagre income.

“In order for us to mitigate the impact of mining and thermal power generation operations, environmental conservation remains a key focus area. We endeavor to plant over 30,000 trees every year and continuously undertake rehabilitation of waste dumps in order for us to preserve our environment,” said Head Corporate Affairs PJ Sudhir.

Meanwhile, MDT Manager, Mr. Jethro Sikalunda highlights that, “MCL also provides much needed access to water for the people of Sinazongwe, by pumping water through a 28-km pipeline from Lake Kariba to SWASCO – to meet the community needs for potable water”.

He added that, “The company also provides support to the three chiefs in its area of operations”.

With the support of all stakeholders, MCL has been transforming the face of Maamba, bringing much-needed social and economic empowerment, and essentially, MAKING A DIFFERENCE by improving the lives of the community in Maamba and the district of Sinazongwe.

By Chris Phiri
Zambia Reports, 14 Feb 2020.

World CSR Day Workshop


One of our focus areas is organizing Training Events, Workshops/Seminars and Conferences on CSR and Sustainable Development. 

Executives and Senior Managers/Officers with the responsibility for – Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship, Sustainability, Corporate Affairs, Ethical Business Strategy, Shared Value, Social Impact, Partnerships, Community Engagement, Public Relations.

Date: 17th – 18th February, 2020.
Venue: Grand Palace Hotel, Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka.
Time: 08:30hrs–16:30hrs (Day 1) and 08:30hrs – 13:00hrs (Day 2)


Option 1: Cost: K2,700.00 per person inclusive training materials, lunch, teas, certificate of attendance, World CSR Day themed T-shirt and a Bag.

Option 2: Early Bird: K2,500.00 per person inclusive training materials, lunch, teas, certificate of attendance, World CSR Day themed T-shirt, Bag and Water Bottle.
(Team Discount of 10% for groups of 3 or more)

Complete customer satisfaction is very important to us, please confirm participation and pay
before or by 10th February, 2020 to secure a place and enjoy the early bird benefits.



  • Presentations
  • Interactive input
  • Learner Guides/Manuals
  • Case Studies
  • Discussions and Q&A

For bookings, please contact Kameli or Michael on 0211-252396 / 0977-619660 / 0962-329456 or email: coordinator@csrzambia.org / michael@csrzambia.org.

Call for Magazine Articles

The CSR Network Zambia (CSRNZ) was established in 2019 to strengthen corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development strategies and programmes across different sectors by promoting, encouraging and recognizing responsible business practices through stakeholder engagement, training, research, advisory services, and celebrating successes through The CSRNZ Annual Gala Awards.

Our ultimate goal is to be the organization in Zambia where stakeholders can seek research services (Perception Surveys and Impact Studies), guidance, capacity building, training and information on CSR, local resource mobilization and volunteering. We also strive to engage small and large businesses to strengthen their commitment to sustainable development across the country so as to contribute to sustainable economic growth leading to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is our belief that with CSR, businesses can have a positive social, environmental and economic impact on society through their core business by illuminating good governance, environmental integrity, economic development and stakeholder participation.

The Network will publish a bi-annual magazine (‘CSR HUB Magazine’) covering CSR activities, programmes and projects throughout the country. The inaugural edition is scheduled for release in April 2020 to be followed by the second one in October 2020.

The magazine’s purpose will be to serve as a platform providing our members’ CSR insights and experiences on emerging concepts and trends with a view to enhance buy-in from stakeholders. Advertising space is also available in the magazine, and interested organisations can contact the Editorial team for further details.

We are now calling for articles on CSR projects/initiatives implemented and the practice and conduct of CSR in various sectors, including education, health, ICT, sports, water and sanitation, etc.

Submission Requirements:

  • Articles should be submitted electronically by email
  • Author to include contact details – name, address, telephone and email
  • The article should be between 750 and 1 000 words in easy-to-understand language
  • Pictures in high resolution should accompany the articles whenever possible
  • Topics should encompass, inter alia, the Concept & Application of CSR; The growth of CSR in Zambia; Your organisation’s CSR interventions; Impact of your CSR programmes; CSR plans, etc
  • Sources referenced must be cited using proper endnotes
  • The Editor is available to assist with article writing and any additional assistance. For instance, the Editor could be engaged, briefed, and then conduct an interview and do an article.
  • Articles for the debut edition should reach the Editor by March 15, 2020.

It is envisaged that the magazine will evolve as a focal point of knowledge and information on CSR, encourage dialogue and contribute to the setting of trends.

Email your article, before or by 15th March 2020, to:

The Editor – ‘CSR Hub Magazine’
CSR Network Zambia
G11 Chizungu Stand,
Lusaka, Zambia.

PRESS RELEASE: Mama Chungu Foundation Brings Clean Water to Mansa

A new charity called Mama Chungu Foundation commenced its first borehole drilling programme in Mansa district in Luapula Province of Zambia in late November to give rural communities access to clean water. This is one of three key aims of the new community-based organisation. It also aims to open up farming to enhance food security and local income as well as provide renewable energy for food processing, education and living.

The Foundation is inspired by the life of Mama Cecilia Chungu who lived from 1924 to 2017 in Mansa. She was married to Alexander Chungu for more than 56 years and were blessed with many children and grandchildren. Mama Chungu cared deeply about her wider family’s well-being and its future. She worked very hard to educate her children, secure food and water, and a roof over their heads. She always gave a helping hand to anyone in need, welcoming all into her village and house.

Her story is what the Foundation is all about.

Clean water is life and the first objective of the Foundation
Children and women often walk long distances to draw daily water beginning before school and other household chores or farming activities.

But where do rural communities get their daily water if not from a borehole?

The answer is from dirty ponds, rivers, and shallow wells such as this one pictured below at Patel Village where a shallow well has been dug next to a slowmoving stream. These resources are also a key source of deadly cholera and dysentery.
Mansa Municipal Council has identified 148 new boreholes required in the district and 37 are unusable and in need rehabilitation. Among these are at two schools and two clinics, which are without potable water today.

In our experience, these numbers underestimate the critical need for quality water in rural areas of Mansa.
Public sector resources and equipment are insufficient to address this burning need for clean water. NGOs and charities are essential to filling this gap.

Mama Chungu Foundation was launched to assist rural communities in Mansa. It engaged STAR WATERWELL DRILLING LTD of Kitwe to drill an initial six boreholes and install community handpumps in Munchini Village, Patel Village, Kabunda Mission and Lukangaba Village in Mansa District.

These boreholes are the first of several planned by the Foundation. What has been achieved is remarkable as the rains begin in earnest.

A high-powered board steers the Foundation in the right direction.

The Foundation has established a ten-person Board with two patrons – Paramount Chief Mwata Kazembe of the Lunda people and His Excellency the former president Rupiah Banda. The other members include business people, the mayor of Mansa, a leader in Muchini village, and an Appeals Court judge.

The Foundation is registered with the Registrar of Societies of Zambia and funded as a non-profit by individual donations.

What’s next?
The rainy season 2019-20 will be spent fund raising for next year’s ambitious drilling programme that will begin in April next year. The Foundation will also lay the basis for community-based farming.

For more information contact:

David Ryder
M: +260 965-611612

Veronica Ryder
Deputy Chair and Secretary
M: +260 969-173099


Inaugural CSR Awards

The Corporate Social Responsibility Network Zambia (CSRNZ) organised and hosted the national Responsible Businesses and CSR Awards, to recognise and honor Zambian companies implementing CSR in Zambia. Running under the theme – Shaping Responsible Businesses Towards the Attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (Vision 2030). The awards Gala dinner was held at the Golden Peacock Hotel, along Kasangula Road, in Roma Township, on 29th November 2019.

The Guest of Honor at the awards was the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Hon. Christopher Yaluma, represented by Director of Cooperatives, Mr. Shadreck Mungalaba.

The following companies were honored:

  1. Airtel Zambia
  2. Kashikoto Conservancy Ltd
  3. Natural Valley Ltd
  4. Konkola Copper Mines (KCM)
  5. Lubambe Copper Mines
  6. First Quantum Minerals Ltd (FQML)
  7. Barrick Lumwana
  8. HLB Zambia
  9. FINCA
  10. Stanbic Zambia
  11. Ecobank
  12. Access Bank
  13. DHL Zambia
  14. Zambia Airports Corporation Ltd
  15. Zambia Railways
  16. IHS Towers
  17. Betway
  18. NECOR
  19. Cashbuild
  20. Maamba Collieries
  21. Zambia Sugar
  22. Sun FM
  23. Pick N Pay
  24. Action Aid
  25. G4S
  26. Madison Financial Services
  27. Trade Kings
  28. Tongabezi
  29. Dangote Cement
  30. Royal Air Charters
  31. Vision Care

These Annual CSR Awards are intended to be Zambia’s prestigious CSR and Sustainability accolades, recognising the contributions being made by individuals, the Private and Public sectors towards community development. Winners are mobilized from the diverse sectors and industries which have created positive impact towards Zambia’s sustainable development and the promotion of Sustainable Development Goals.
